
MTF Wins Corporate Branding PR Awards 2021

Monday, 17 May 2021

MTF Wins Corporate Branding PR Awards 2021

Jakarta, 22 April 2021 - PT Mandiri Tunas Finance (MTF) received an award at the Corporate Branding PR Awards 2021held by Iconomics on Thursday, April 22 2021 at the JW Marriot Hotel, Jakarta. 

In this event, MTF won the 2nd Indonesia Corporate Branding PR Awards 2021. The award was received directly by Arif Reza Fahlepi - Corporate Secretary, Legal Compliance & APU PPT Division Head. In his speech Arif said that on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and all MTF Officers he would like to express his gratitude for the appreciation given by Iconomics. 

''In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, all PR people are faced with the challenge of continuing to build a positive image of the company or institution that oversees it. "With this award, of course it can further motivate not only PR but also all MTF officers to continue to contribute, especially in building a positive image of MTF as a motor vehicle financing solution in Indonesia," added Arif.