
New Manager Development Program (MDP) Batch 14 Mandiri Tunas Finance, The Next MTF Future Leader!

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

New Manager Development Program (MDP) Batch 14 Mandiri Tunas Finance, The Next MTF Future Leader!

Jakarta – PT Mandiri Tunas Finance (MTF) is determined to always produce a new generation of future leaders, this time the program that MTF launched is New Manager Development Program (MDP) Batch 14. This MDP program was created so that MTF employees at supervisor level can gain career acceleration, to have the opportunity to occupy key positions at MTF at the Manager level.

Opening MDP Batch 14 was attended by Pinohadi G Sumardi as President Director of Mandiri Tunas Finance, Vivid Zulprimiadanni as Human Capital Division Head Mandiri Tunas Finance and Arif Reza Fahlepi as Corporate Secretary, Legal Compliance and APUPPT Division Head Mandiri Tunas Finance located at Head Office Mandiri Tunas Finance (9/8/2022).


New Manager Development Program was created in such a way by the Human Capital team, so that colleagues receive complete training for the future. The training provided ranges from MTF business knowledge, leadership and required soft skills, to training in project management.

In his speech, Pinohadi expressed his congratulations and hopes for future leaders “I congratulate my MDP Batch 14 colleagues who successfully passed a series of fairly tight selection stages beating 144 participants other. This is just the first step, colleagues still have a long way to go in providing the best contribution to MTF. We hope that colleagues can be more serious about their education, take advantage of all the learning facilities provided and gain as much knowledge as possible to prepare them to become MTF leaders in the future. Apart from that, we hope that our colleagues can contribute positively to the development and progress of MTF in the future, help MTF to overcome all the challenges and obstacles that will be faced and commit to continuing to achieve company targets in order to take MTF to the gates of success. Hopefully the MDP Batch 14 colleagues can undergo a series of programs well, give the best performance, graduate with the best grades and become great Future Leaders and become role models for MTF OFFICERS” said MTF Main Director, Pinohadi G Sumardi.