
MTF provides scholarship programs

Friday, 4 January 2013

MTF provides scholarship programs

MTF CSR – MANDIRI TUNAS FINANCE provides an educational scholarship program to employees' children under the "MTF PRESTASI" program. The Scholarship Program was awarded to 3 elementary school students and 1 high school student for the 2012 - 2013 academic year, each in the name of Jonathan Partogi Manik, 3rd grade student at SDN Marsudirini National Plus, Nisa Arum Ramadhani, 3rd grade student at MI Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Elementary School, M. Rayfasa Chandra, student grade 5 at SDN 2 Rawa Laut Bandar Lampung, and Wangga Eko Mariska, a grade 3 student at SMU Persada Bandar Lampung. On Friday, 5 October 2012 at De' Leuit Restaurant Bogor, MANDIRI TUNAS FINANCE handed over a scholarship to Jonathan Partogi Manik, a grade 3 student at SDN Marsudirini National Plus as the most outstanding student in the "MTF PRESTASI" program. The scholarship was handed over directly by the Main Director of MTF, Mr. Ign. Susatyo Wijoyo. With this scholarship program, it is hoped that it can further motivate employees' children to perform better in school and increase the enthusiasm and work productivity of MTF employees.