
MTF Cares - A Day Without Shoes (Setapak)

Friday, 15 March 2019

MTF Cares - A Day Without Shoes (Setapak)

Pandeglang, Banten - 1 February 2019. PT Mandiri Tunas Finance (MTF) together with Banten Pos carried out a CSR activity for a day without shoes (Setapak) by providing 400 pairs of shoes to students of SDN 2 Teluk, Pandeglang, Banten. The assistance was immediately handed over by the Main Director of MTF, Arya Suprihadi to representatives of SDN 2 Teluk in Pandeglang.

The handover of hundreds of pairs of shoes is a form of MTF Officers' concern for students affected by the tsunami that occurred several months ago.