
Supporting the Acceleration of Providing Vaccines to the Indonesian Community, MTF and UNIKOM Hold "2021 UNIKOM Vaccine Student Celebration"

Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Supporting the Acceleration of Providing Vaccines to the Indonesian Community, MTF and UNIKOM Hold "2021 UNIKOM Vaccine Student Celebration"

Bandung – The Government throughout Indonesia continues to carry out vaccination programs as an effort to break the chain of spread of the corona virus and reduce the number of COVID 19 cases in Indonesia. Mandiri Tunas Finance also supports the Government program where MTF is one of the sponsors and event supporters of the UNIKOM 2021 GEMESIN (Vaccine Student Event) activity. This activity is a form of social activity from MTF which collaborates with UNIKOM in assisting and fully supporting the Government program in order to accelerate providing COVID 19 vaccination to the Indonesian people so that group immunity in Indonesia can be formed. The hope is that with these efforts to distribute vaccinations evenly, Indonesia can quickly recover and be free from the spread of the COVID 19 virus.

The 2021 UNIKOM Vaccine Student Event will be held on 27-28 October 2021 at the UNIKOM smart building which is intended for the entire UNIKOM academic community and is open to the general public with a minimum age of 12 years. The series of events was also enlivened by a talk show with a special speaker, namely the Managing Director of Mandiri Tunas Finance, Pinohadi G. Sumardi.

Raising the topic “Fast and Easy Generation Through Go Digital”, the Main Director of MTF invited the current millennial and Z generation to be innovative, adaptive and creative in facing current developments which are increasingly widespread with digital transformation. “Young age is the best time to work hard and always look for new challenges. Spend your failure quota while you are still young so you don't regret it in old age. And once again, MTF is here to help the millennial and Z generations achieve their dreams and open up all opportunities, both in terms of career and education through various products, programs and various supports provided. So, let’s be fast&easy generation through going digital!” said Pinohadi

Hopefully this social activity can further motivate Mandiri Tunas Finance in solidarity activities and contribute optimally to Indonesia's development.